CNO Level 2

Neural Occlusion Sceening (NOS)

Understanding and utilizing more of the digital metrics used to accomplish the objective occlusal/TMJ screening protocol known as Neural Occlusion Screening.  Advanced Bioresarch Associates Bio-PAK training.


Course Features

CNO2 Purpose

Measured Matters

CNO2 is a continuation of CNO1, exploring tools used to digitally vet and diagnose the masitcatory system using components of the BioPak.  Training revolves around the Jaw Tracker, Digital Mastication Analysis, Velocity Tracings, Range-of-Motion recordings, and other tools neccesary to accomplish Neural Occlusion Screening (NOS).  Objective and reproducible data must be gleaned to arrive at validated diagnoses prior to the initiation of treatment, whether that treatment be directed to alleviate TMJ issues, finalize orthodontic therapy, or dial in a full mouth reconstruction.  Digitally-directed occlusal adjustment principles are a predicatable way to finalize an occlusion following the NOS protocols.  If a dentist desires to take the guesswork out of finalizing an occlusion, CNO2 is the course to take!  Engineer and BioPak inventor Mr. John Radke and GP Dr. Nick Yiannios are the faculty for CNO2.  Take the course in-person or stream the recorded course online, whichever works best for your schedule.  Learn from the best; learn from both the creator of the BioPak equipment himself and a GP who has utilized this equipment to great effect in his private general practice which has had a global reach over the past dozen years!

CNO2 Prerequisites

CNO1 Online or live attendance

CNO2 takes over where CNO1 left off.  After learning advanced T-Scan, EMG, and Joint Vibration Analysis theory and application, CNO2 takes the attendee further into the diagnostic skillset known as Neural Occlusion Screening which has been introduced into the dental literature by Dr. Nick Yiannios, within the pages of all editions of the Handbook of Research on Computerized Occlusal Analsis Technology Applications in Dental Medicine, published by IGI Global. Jaw Tracking, Digital Range of Motion, Learreta Decompression testing using EMG, Dynamic EMG tracings, Velocity Tracings, Digital Mastication Analysis, Heart Rate Variability monitoring (to evaluate the autonomic sympathetics) and more are delineated and discussed within the didactic and hands-on training in CNO2 accomplished alongside the creator of the BioPak technologies, Mr. John Radke.

What You Will Learn in 2 Full Days of Training  

CNo2 is essential for Neural Occlusion Screening

Both hands-on and didactic training regarding advanced electromyography, digital mastication analysis, jaw tracking and velocity tracings are  presented in the live CNO2 course.  The online course is a recorded version of all of the didactic subject matter and most of the clinical hands-on subject matter.  Though live attentance is best, the online streaming version is a viable option worth AGD continuing education credits for practitioners to tackle at their leisure. Completion of CNO2 readies the doctor for the final step involved in being able to fully implement Neural Occlusion Screening:  CNO3, TMJ MRI and CBCT Imaging of the TMJs.  



Mr. John Radke is a world-renowned engineer, educator, statistician, researcher and creator of the BioPak technologies.  He is the editor of the open online dental journal Advanced Dental Technologies & Techniques (ADTT).  He has been a member of the CNO Board of Advisors since the orgs inception in 2015.

Dr. Nick Yiannios is a practicing general dentist, researcher, author, and dental educator from Rogers, AR who practices in a high technology-based practice with a particular focus on CAD/CAM and laser dentistry.  He has for years seen patients with comfounding bite and TMJ/D problems from all over the globe, and is the creator of the Neural Occlusion Screening protocols. Dr. Yiannios routinely uses T-Scan, JVA, EMG, Jaw Tracking, Digital Mastication Analysis, Velocity Tracings, MRI and CBCT to arrive at objective diagnosis prior to the implementation of treatment for bite problems, headaches, and TMJ/D. He lectures both nationally and internationally on digital occlusal analysis and comprehensive TMD biometric analysis. Dr. Yiannios is the originator of the Frictional Dental Hypersensitivity (FDH) theory which objectively and reproducibly links the discrepanices in the occlusion to the hypersensitive teeth.  Dr. Yiannios is the founder of the CNO.


CNO Level 2 Benefits


Hands On Guidance

After completing CNO Level 1, the next step is to dive into the didactic and clinical content matter contained within CNO2 to continue the journey to master the Neural Occlusion Screening (NOS) protocols.


Insurance Independence

Understanding measured occlusal science concepts enables dental professionals to become experts at the occlusion, leading to improved patient outcomes.  Many patients are happy to work outside of insurance limitations to benefit from this specialized skillset.


Gain Confidence In Capability

CNO Level 2 attendance ensures that the practitoner is knowledgable and capable of using the BioPak component of the Neural Occlusion Screening protocols. 


CNO Membership

Join the Center for Neural Occlusion Facebook forum for dental professionals.  It is free and open only to verified dental practitioners.


What Patients Say

“Before the computerized bite alignment, my mouth was telling my brain that things weren’t right, but I didn’t know what to do about it. Several months after having gone through the treatment, I have nothing bad to say about it! If things keep going the way they are, I’m going to be a very happy person! The things that I’ve done w/ this disability… imagine what I’m going to do without it! I’m going to take over!” His case study:

Taner A Patient

Istanbul, Turkey

“Nobody in my area, not one dentist, could get my bite right. Every time I had dental work done, the bite was shifting all over to the point that I had teeth banging from my front teeth to my back teeth. Jaw pain, headaches in the back of my head, neck and shoulder pain; all of that has improved since getting my bite balanced to the way it was supposed to be!” Her case study:

Darleen A Patient

Michigan, USA 

Mastering Occlusal Science Leads To Insurance Independence

Patients all over the world are actively looking for Dentists who can help alleviate their pain and fix their bite. Measuring Restorative Dentistry.

Enroll in CNO 1 Course Today!

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