How does DTR and MAGD stop some headaches?
There are muscles in the head and neck that may overwork and become ischemic (lack of sufficient blood flow) and painful due to bite misalignment and a resultant timing discrepancy. This timing discrepancy in the dynamic bite is all but unknown in the medical and dental fields. This bite misalignment can readily continue to perpetuate the overworked muscular condition, with perpetual ischemia and pain in the temple muscles (for example). Screening this patient for long Disclusion Times (excessive engagements of back teeth over time) is an effective way to confirm or eliminate this as being contributory for a patient’s headache condition. To be clear, neither DTR nor MAGD a cure for all headaches, but it is quite effective when the genesis of the headache is from overworked chewing muscles due to a “bad bite”, which it often is!