Is DTR therapy (via the ICAGD protocols) the same thing as equilibration?
No. Not even close. DTR therapy (via the Immediate Complete Anterior Guidance Development (ICAGD) occlusal adjustment protocols) objectively and precisely decreases back tooth contacts in the sideways movements of the mandible (lower jaw bone; the mandible is all that ever moves), in time. Equilibration increases back teeth contacts in the sideways movements of the mandible, and is typically done with bite ribbons and foils, without the usage of precise, digital measurement technologies such as the T-Scan. Equilibration does not address the timing in the sideways movements at all, the core reason why DTR therapy is so effective for muscular TMD patients. DTR therapy is performed where the patient’s muscles naturally bring the teeth together, the Maximum Intercuspation position (MIP). Equilibration is performed in the most superior and anterior position of the mandibular condyles within the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone, the Centric Relation (CR) bite position, usually slightly back from the MIP bite position. These bite adjustment procedures are very different from one another for the previously stated reasons and many, many more. Lastly, MAGD is different from DTR in that the orthopedic TMJs have been vetted as well prior to the initiation of bite adjustment therapy.