CNO Level 1 – 2021 Webinar Format
Measured Matters For the TMJs & Occlusion “Get the Bite Right”!
Understanding how an objectively and digitally Measured Anterior Guidance (MAG) relates to occlusion and Temporomandibular Dysfunction, including Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR) theory and practice; a didactic curriculum. An introduction to how the joints relate to the occlusion, and how objective metrics can be used to study and potentially improve the occlusion. Includes advanced instruction on usage of the T-Scan®, BioEMG®, and JVA, and a basic introduction to MRI and CBCT imaging technologies.
An annual membership fee of $695 allows for Level 1 Certification listing once the practitioner passes the level 1 exam.
11 ADA PACE CE Hours
CNO1 2023: Stream the Prerecorded June 2023 Live Course ONLINE
Understanding & Practicing Predictable Occlusal Science With Dr. Nick Yiannios & Mr. John Radke
14.5 AGD PACE CE Hours
14.5 AGD CE credits will be awarded to the online participant after passing a short attendance exam proving viewership which accompanies the presentation with a Passing Grade >80%.
Includes advanced instruction on usage of the T-Scan, BioEMG, and JVA, and a basic introduction to MRI and CBCT imaging technologies. The emphasis of this course concentrates on the everyday usage of the above technologies in a dental practice setting. Understand how an objectively and Measured Anterior Guidance (MAG) relates to occlusion and Temporomandibular Dysfunction. Includes a comparison and contrast between Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR) theory and Measured Anterior Guidance Development (MAGD) occlusal adjustment treatments. This 2023 CNO1 is a major part of the CNO didactic curriculum and a prerequisite to undertaking the fellowship exam path within the CNO organization. An introduction to how the joints relate to the occlusion, and how objective metrics can be used to study and diagnose the occlusion, leading to responsible treatment plans and predictable success.
Level Requirements
- Required reading: Handbook, CNO Foundations slideshow series (included with CNO membership), & various papers (see “Download Curriculum Packet” button on level 1 section directly below for required paper reading/bibliography as well as the textbook and link to IGI Global publishers located on the side of this page)
- 200 question multiple choice written exam/$400 exam fee/80% to pass
- Examination covers concepts presented via live lecture and the required reading lists. Additionally, studying CNO Foundations material (included with CNO membership), helps one better prepare for both the level 1 lecture and the level 1 examination.
- The Rogers CNO Level 1 curriculum spends a great deal of time discussing the orthopedic TMJ’s role re directly altering the occlusion, and introduces the attendee to objective 3D MRI and CBCT imaging of the TMJ’s.
- Doctors who have passed Level 1 and are current with CNO membership will be listed in the CNO database for patients to find them
- Listing within the CNO database requires that the doctor or dental laboratory technician be current with CNO annual membership
Internet access and computer are required to access this course. This course is compatible with Mac and Windows.
Course Objectives Include
- Use and interpretation of the T-Scan and Bio-EMG objective measurement tools.
- Use and interpretation of the Tscan/EMG technologies slaved together in 3/1000 second increments.
- An introduction to Joint Vibration Analysis TMJ cartilagenous screening of the TMJ's.
- Efficacy of Disclusion Time Reduction occlusal therapy and the Immediate Complete Anterior Guidance Development protocols.
- An introduction to Frictional Dental Hypersensitivity (FDH) theory and it’s relationship to muscular TMD.
- Why a MEASURED, TIMED, and IMMEDIATE anterior guidance development is essential for physiologically efficient muscular activity of the muscles of mastication.
- The vast importance of midcourse corrections upon the muscles of mastication.
- An introduction as to how TMJ anatomy and pathology relates to changes in the occlusion.
- What dental occlusion really is, and how to measure and control treatment outcomes.
- The distinction between TMJ and TMD defined.
- How the static bite is less important than the dynamic bite in regards to a Measured Anterior Guidance Development.
- The importance of stable and adapted TMJ’s for DTR therapy.
- The pitfalls of traditional occlusal indicators such as bite/articulating ribbon, shimstock and waxes, straight from the scientific literature.
- Sample video re CNO Level 1:
Course Instructors
Dr. Nick Yiannios is a private practitioner, author, researcher and founder of the Center for Neural Occlusion. He is a contributing author in the Handbook of Research on Computerized Occlusal Analysis Applications in Dental Medicine and is credited with identifying the phenomenon known as Frictional Dental Hypersensitivity for dental medicine. He has published multiple times regarding the usage of T-Scan® digital occlusal analysis, EMG interpretation, MRI & CBCT TMJ imaging, dental hypersensitivity, and computer-guided occlusal adjustment procedures in several other textbooks and journals. Mr John Radke has over 50 years of expertise in the TMJ/D & occlusion realm. John is the creator of the BioPak® software, Bio-EMG, JVA, digital Mastication Analysis and Jaw Tracking technologies. His engineering expertise provides a unique perspective for CNO1 attendees, and he is an invaluable resource for those learning the myriad intricacies of using these various technologies in practice. John is also the managing editor of "Advanced Dental Technologies & Techniques", an online scholarly open journal.
Additional information
Options | Onsite Lecture, Online Webinar |