To learn more from Dr. Mark and Dr. Nick, acquire the 2020 CNO Scientific Symposium, worth 25 ADA-CERP credits from the comfort of your home: .
All dentists wonder and question this concept; CENTRIC RELATION. In this video, Dr. Mark Piper and Dr. Nick Yiannios discuss what CR (Centric Relation) really is, what it means, what it’s good for, and why it’s generally a poor treatment position. This discussion is based upon sound, objective, and measured science. Dr. Piper has imaged over 25,000 TMJs w/ CBCT and MRI in his 30 years of practicing as a TMJ surgeon. Not only has he imaged and MEASURED tens of thousands of joints, he has surgically accessed thousands of those joints and has paid particular attention that the TMJs directly have upon the occlusion.
The CNO and the PERC (Piper Education and Research Center) both believe in three common things: -Measured Matters -Appropriate Diagnoses Always Precede Responsible Treatment -Protect the Patients! Dental professionals, to learn more: Dr. Yiannios’ CNO: Dr. Piper’s PERC: Dental professionals, stream the CNO Scientific Symposium online for 25 ADA-CERP continuing education CEs:
DENTAL PROFESSIONALS only: -to join the private CNO Forum on Fb: study with Dr. Nick and his CNO Board of Advisors (either online via webinar format or in-person at CNO courses) through the CNO curriculum, and to learn why Measured Matters using digital occlusal analysis, TMJ MRI & CBCT, BioEMG, trigeminal & cervcial & sympathetic inputs, and far, far, more: