CNO Online Courses

Positively Change Lives. Understand Dental Occlusion. Understand TMJ & TMD. Improve Dental Treatment Outcomes. Understand Dental Hard & Soft Tissue Lasers, Medical Grade Ozone Usage, & Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Usage in Dental Practice. Understand how important the autonomic sympathetics are for confounding pain problems. Dive into learning how to objectively vet the TMJs and occlusion via the Neural Occlusion Screening digital protocols.  Learn about the cure for sensitive teeth.  Set Your Practice Well Apart From Your Peers!

Choose a course link below to learn more or scroll through all of our courses in sequential order.


The CNO is an AGD PACE Recognized Provider. This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry.

CNO Symposium 25 CE

Measured Matters For the TMJs & Occlusion “Get the Bite Right”!

Measured occlusal science MATTERS! Quantifying human occlusion from many different aspects. Learn from radiologists, TMJ surgeons, orthodontists, and occlusal-centric general practitioners why the usage of objective digital metrics makes all of the difference in all of our dental practices, every day, and in every way!

CNO Proudly Recommends: 

CNO Required Reading:
Chapters 1-7 & 10 are required reading for the level 1 certification exam. Use coupon code CNOHOR at checkout for CNO student DISCOUNT!

CNO Suggested Equipment:

Bio Research Associates

BioEMG III, Jaw Tracker & JVA Quick

Course Author

Dr. Nick Yiannios D.D.S., MCNO
Length: Approx. 3 hours of self study
Credit Hours: 3 hours

The CNO designates this course for 3 AGD-PACE credit hours worth of C.E.


CNO Foundations

What is TMJ, TMD, and Occlusion?

Certification Overview

Professionals who have demonstrated an understanding of how neurologic, orthopedic, and timing issues within the human bite can profoundly influence a TMD patients condition. These individuals will be better armed to help diagnose occlusal (bite) and TMD related conditions such as headaches, nonspecific orofacial pains, and TMD-related neck and shoulder pains in ways that are not taught in any other mainstream curriculum in existence. CNO Foundations (CNO-F) is highly recommended for all health care professionals, including any dentist, physician, naturopath, dental laboratory technician, chiropractor, or dental student who wishes to learn more about DTR therapy and 3D imaging, and how this knowledge base, in particular, pertains to occlusal and TMD pathology.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $695 GRANTS ACCESS TO CNO FOUNDATIONS STUDY MATERIALS, AN ATTORNEY REVIEWED MEASURED ANTERIOR GUIDANCE DEVELOPMENT CONSENT FORM, THE ADVANCED PLACEMENT OF THE C-D LINE TO INTERPRET DTR THERAPY, AND A DTR POST-OPERATIVE CARE FORM. All of the study material needed to complete the optional CNO-F exam is provided within the slideshow (be sure to also study the online video references included in CNO-F slideshow). Optional C.E. credits and database listing as a CNO Foundational provider will be granted once the practitioner pays for and passes the optional CNO Foundations exam. The member must maintain their annual membership dues to remain listed within the CNO database..

Level Requirements
  • 100 multiple choice questions/$200 for CNO Foundations exam (optional)/80% required to pass

  • Completion of the optional CNO Foundations examination is only necessary if you wish to be listed in the CNO database as a Foundation-level practitioner, (F).

What You Will Learn
  • 100 multiple choice questions/$200 for CNO Foundations exam (optional)/80% required to pass

  • Completion of the optional CNO Foundations examination is only necessary if you wish to be listed in the CNO database as a Foundation-level practitioner, (F).

Course Cost
  • 100 multiple choice questions/$200 for CNO Foundations exam (optional)/80% required to pass

  • Completion of the optional CNO Foundations examination is only necessary if you wish to be listed in the CNO database as a Foundation-level practitioner, (F).

 Course Author

Dr. Nick Yiannios D.D.S., MCNO
Mr. John Radke B.S., MBA
Length: 2 Days
Credit Hours: The CNO designates the amount of AGD-PACE C.E for the following courses: 16 hours for CNO1 Live Lecture | 11 hours for the 2021 CNO1 Online Course /  14.5 hours for the 2023 CNO1 Online Course


FCNO 1st Step: A MUST Take For Every Dental Practitioner!

CNO Level 1 – Lecture &/or Webinar Format

MEASURING the Occlusion & TMJs; Objective Diagnosis Must ALWAYS Precede Responsible Treatment! Advanced & Objective Digital Occlusion

Certification Overview

Understanding how an objectively and digitally Measured Anterior Guidance (MAG) relates to occlusion and Temporomandibular Dysfunction, including the distinction between Measured Anterior Guidance Development (MAGD) and Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR), both in theory and in practice. An intense dive into to how the joints relate to the occlusion, and how objective metrics can be used to study and potentially improve the occlusion, once the orthopedic stability and status of the bilateral TMJs have been objectively determined.  Includes advanced instruction on usage of the T-Scan®, BioEMG®, and JVA, and a basic introduction to MRI and CBCT imaging technologies.

Annual membership fee of $695 allows for Level 1 Certification listing when/should the practitioner choose to take and pass the level 1 exam.

Level Requirements
  • Required reading: Handbook, CNO Foundations slideshow series (included with CNO membership), & various papers (see “Download Curriculum Packet” button on level 1 section directly below for required paper reading/bibliography as well as the textbook and link to IGI Global publishers located on the side of this page)
  • 200 question multiple choice written exam/$400 exam fee/80% to pass
  • Examination covers concepts presented via live lecture and the required reading lists. Additionally, studying CNO Foundations material (included with CNO membership), helps one better prepare for both the level 1 lecture and the level 1 examination.
  • The Rogers CNO Level 1 curriculum spends a great deal of time discussing the orthopedic TMJ’s role re directly altering the occlusion, and introduces the attendee to objective 3D MRI and CBCT imaging of the TMJ’s.
  • Doctors who have passed Level 1 and are current with CNO membership will be listed in the CNO database for patients to find them
  • Listing within the CNO database requires that the doctor or dental laboratory technician be current with CNO annual membership
What You Will Learn
  • Hands-on training for the T-Scan, EMG, and JVA technologies
  • Use and interpretation of the T-Scan and Bio-EMG objective measurement tools.
  • Use and interpretation of the Tscan/EMG technologies slaved together in 3/1000 second increments.
  • An introduction to Joint Vibration Analysis TMJ cartilagenous screening of the TMJ’s.
  • Efficacy of Disclusion Time Reduction occlusal therapy and the Immediate Complete Anterior Guidance Development protocols.
  • An introduction to Frictional Dental Hypersensitivity (FDH) theory and it’s relationship to muscular TMD.
  • Why a MEASURED, TIMED, and IMMEDIATE anterior guidance development is essential for physiologically efficient muscular activity of the muscles of mastication.
  • The vast importance of midcourse corrections upon the muscles of mastication.
  • An introduction as to how TMJ anatomy and pathology relates to changes in the occlusion.
  • What dental occlusion really is, and how to measure and control treatment outcomes.
  • The distinction between TMJ and TMD defined.
  • How the static bite is less important than the dynamic bite in regards to a Measured Anterior Guidance Development.
  • The importance of stable and adapted TMJ’s for DTR therapy.
  • The pitfalls of traditional occlusal indicators such as bite/articulating ribbon, shimstock and waxes, straight from the scientific literature.
  • Sample video re CNO Level 1:
Course Cost
  • CNO Level 1 Onsite Lecture – $3,195
  • CNO Level 1 2021 Online Webinar – $798
  • CNO Level 1 2023 Online Webinar – $1,098*

    * The Online webinar purchase cost can be credited towards the attendance of a CNO Level 1 onsite lecture within two (2) years of purchase. *

Course Author

Dr. Nick Yiannios D.D.S., MCNO
Mr. John Radke
Length: 1 Day
Credit Hours: 16 AGD-PACE C.E. credits for the live presentation version of CNO2.

FCNO 2nd Step To MASTER Occlusal & TMJ Biometrics

CNO Level 2-Fellowship (FCNO)

Learning Neural Occlusion Screening/Advanced BioPak Training

EMG, Jaw Tracking, Digital Mastication Analysis, Velocity Tracings, Heart Rate Variability

Certification Overview

CNO2 Purpose


CNO2 concentrates on the BioPak technologies, as well as the relevant literature:

– EMG of various iterations, including Learreta Decompression, Resting, Clench

-Jaw Tracking (JT) to objectively and reproducibly record the dynamic range of motion and the kinesiology of the mandibular movements

-Digital Mastication Analysis (DMA) to put numbers to the function of the masticatory system, in meaningful ways that can pave the way for predictable treatment planning as well as proof of therapy when compared to baseline

-Velocity Tracings (VT) to track the timing of the dynamic mandibular movements, a very predictable and objective determinent of TMJ health or lack thereof

-Range of Motion (ROM) analysis using JT for an objective and reproducible recording of the patients mandibular movements

-Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis to record the cardiovascular implications of stress on the patients adaptability and general health; essentially putting numbers to sympathetic inputs

To express interest in a live CNO2 symposium, contact

Level Requirements
  • Ideally the attendee will have attended a live CNO1 course to learn advanced concepts relating to joint-based-occlusion and advanced training relating to  the T-Scan, T-Scan/EMG, and Joint Vibration (JVA) analysis.  Alternatively, the online version of CNO1 will be acceptable.
What You Will Learn
    Dr. Yiannios and engineer and BioPak creator Mr. Radke will both walk you through the didactic knowledge base to understand, utilize, and interpret the listed technologies, as well as teach the attendees how to practically use the gear on patients, in Dr. Yiannios’ state-of-the-art dental practice.  Approximately 2/3 of the time is spent on the didactic and 1/3 of the time on the practical, hands-on application of these technologies.  Mr. Radke is the engineer who created the BioPak EMG, JT, DMA, and VT techs; there is no better course in existence to learn this material.
Course Cost


Course Author

Dr. Nick Yiannios D.D.S., MCNO
Dr. Ed Zebovitz D.D.S.
Dr. Sam Paglianite M.D.
Mr. John Radke
Length: 3 days
Credit Hours: The CNO designates the following number of AGD-PACE C.E. credits: 24 hours CNO3 Live Lecture | 20 hours CNO3 Online Webinar

MCNO 1st Step To Understand & USE TMJ MRI & CBCT For Diagnostics & Treatment

CNO Level 3 – Lecture &/or Webinar Format-Mastership (MCNO)

Neural Occlusion Screening & 3D Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joints and Their Influence Upon the Occlusion & TMD

*How to objectively determine if your patient possesses stable & adapted joints*
Certification Overview

Dentists who aspire to integrate 3D imaging including CT and MRI scans into their restorative, orthodontic, cosmetic, occlusal and/or TMD diagnostic and treatment protocols.  Possibly the most important level within the CNO organization, patients are encouraged to find a CNO level 3 doctor whenever possible since difficult orthopedic, inflammatory, and growth and development problems within the TMJ’s themselves are best identified with this sort of imaging. These otherwise unknown variables not only potentially relate to changes in the bite/occlusion, but can add numerous other layers to a TMD patients’ problems. After completing this level, the practitioner is practicing at the highest diagnostic and treatment level within the CNO, and is thereafter granted Mastership in the CNO (MCNO) after passing both the FCNO and MCNO examinations, and will rightfully enjoy top placement for searching patients in the CNO database. Level 3 doctors must first pass both level 1 and level 2.

A current annual membership fee of $695 allows for Level 3 Certification listing once the practitioner passes the level 3 written and oral examinations.

Level Requirements
  • Completion of Levels 1 and 2 are highly recommended but not required prerequisites.
  • The online version of CNO3 is fantastic, and will suffice for doctors that cannot spend the time to travel to CNO HQ.  Many international dental practitioners have opted to utilize this option and were very pleased with the recorded presentation by TMJ surgeon Dr. Ed Zebovitz, GP Dr. Nick Yiannios, medical radiologist Dr. Sam Paglianite, and Mr. John Radke.
  •  3 days of lecture, observation, and participation in Rogers, AR at CNO headquarters for the live version of CNO3.
  • A serious dive into ordering, reading, and interpreting TMJ CBCT and MRI scans, and how they relate to dental diagnostics and treatment.
  • 200 question written multiple-choice online examination/$400 exam fee/80% to pass/must be taken within 12 months of CNO level 3 attendance if the doctor wishes to become MCNO level and pas passed FCNO level as a prerequisite.
  • 2-hour oral examination regarding 3D imaging and its relevance to TMD diagnosis and therapy by CNO instructors either online or at CNO headquarters in Rogers, Arkansas. This oral examination must be taken within 12 months of CNO level 3 attendance. Topics covered will be similar to those studied in the bibliography disseminated for the level 3 examination/oral exam cost is $800/pass-fail
  • Level 3/MCNO listing within the CNO database requires that the doctor be current with CNO annual membership
What You Will Learn
    • How important the orthopedic TMJ condition is to all facets of dentistry, from growth and development, to orthodontic, to restorative, to cosmetic, to sleep, and everything in between.
    • How to determine if your patient is a CNO patient Type A, B, or C, hence vetting efficacy of treatment anytime the occlusion is involved.
    • Critically and objectively determining if a patient possesses “stable and adapted” joints based upon objective metrics, including the “gold standard” that is the TMJ MRI.
    • When ordering a TMJ MRI is indicated in dental or orthodontic practice (way more than you think!)
    • How the TMJs affect the bite, and vice versa.
    • The basics of how to order, read, and interpret CBCT and MRI scans of the TMJs.
    • What to do with the knowledge that the 3D imaging provides.
    • How to combine 3D imaging data with occlusal treatment decisions in a reproducible and objective manner.
    • How 3D imaging of the TMJs relates to the occlusion.
    • When occlusal adjustment corrections are, or are not indicated based upon objective and reproducible 3D scans.
    • When TMJ surgery is likely the best option for the patient.
    • How to whether CR, MIP, or down and forward condylar positioning is the best restorative or orthodontic treatment position, based upon 3D scans.
    • Understanding the relevance of lateral and medial pole cartilagenous tears.
    • Basics behind TMJ surgery.
    • A deep dive to cervical sensory and autonomic sympathetic inputs for a TMD or orofacial pain patient.
    • Understanding TMJ anatomy and dynamic function.
    • How to “read a bite” to elucidate when TMJ foundational joint issues are present and require 3D imaging for diagnosis.
    • When occlusal splints or orthotics are biomechanically indicated, and why they are not, based upon objective imaging diagnostics.
    • How to objectively and reliably ascertain if a patient possesses stable and adapted TMJ’s based upon clinical exam and 3D imaging.
    • How to use Anomalous Medical software to create a virtual representation of your patient’s condition.
    • Plunge deeply into TMJ surgeon Dr. Mark Piper’s foundational occlusion concepts.
    • How to objectively decide when NOT to perform irreversible occlusal adjustment therapy on a patient based upon not only the occlusal measurement tools, but on 3D scans of the “backside” TMJs as well.
    • When to trust the med radiologist MRI reads, and when not to; and why.
    • Staging joints in the Piper surigical TMJ classification system based upon TMJ MRI and CBCT scans
Course Cost
  • CNO Level 3 Onsite Lecture – $6,995 CNO Level 3 Online Prerecorded Webinar – $1,995 * The Online webinar purchase cost can be credited towards the attendance of a CNO Level 3 onsite lecture within two (2) years of purchase should one be offered. *

Course Author

Dr. Marcelo Matos
Dr. Nick Yiannios D.D.S., MCNO
Mr. John Radke
Length: 3 days
Credit Hours: 24 AGD-PACE credit hours for CNO4 Live Lecture | 18 hours of AGD-PACE C.E. for the CNO4 Online Prerecorded Webinar

MCNO 2nd Step To Understand TMJ/D Medical Angles

CNO Level 4 – Lecture &/or Webinar Format

TPS – TMJ Pathology Screening

Certification Overview

A deeper dive into TMJ pathology with Brazilian oral & maxillofacial radiologist and TMJ specialist Dr. Marcelo Matos, CNO4 is quite literally entitled, “TMJ Pathology Screening”, aka TPS. Advanced digital jaw tracking and mastication analysis are taught, allowing the attendees how to objectively track the kinesiology of the mandible, and how that affects preoperative predictive efficacy of a patients’ comfort and function (or lack thereof). TMJ imaging combined with blood work to objectively diagnose rheumatological and infectious issues of the orthopedic TMJs, giving the operator a plethora of new tools to identify confounding TMJ/D pathology. Thermal imaging and genetic mapping; two more powerful diagnostic tools to add to ones diagnostic skillset. TENS combined with MRI imaging to reverse an avascular necrosis (AVN) of the TMJ(s) in the right instance; it is possible!

A current annual membership fee of $695 allows for Level 4 Certification listing once the practitioner passes the level 4 written examination.


Level Requirements
  • Completion of Levels 1, 2 and 3 are strongly recommended.
  • Completion of 3 days of lecture, observation, and participation at CNO HQ in Rogers, Arkansas (or alternatively, viewing the online version of CNO4)
  • The attendee should be familiar with reading TMJ MRI and CBCT scans prior to attendance of TMJ Pathology Screening/CNO4 (hence viewing or attending CNO3 is basically a prerequisite)
  • a 200 question written multiple choice online examination/$400 exam fee/80% to pass/must be taken within 12 months of CNO level 4 attendance.
  • online format may be used for pre-study, but attendance in person for the hands-on experience are required prior to taking the CNO4 exam to become listed as CNO4 on the CNO “find a doc” database
What You Will Learn
  • Advanced, next-level usage of the Biopak, including EMG, Jaw Tracking, Mastication Analysis, and why these tools are extremely useful and essential for diagnosing TMJ/D issues
  • Advanced TMJ MRI and CBCT usage and interpretation, including how the imaging relates to the identification of rheumatological and infectious disease processes of the TMJs
  • General introduction to TMJ Pathology
  • The difference between Normal and Healthy; how this impacts everything we know about diagnosis and treatment in science
  • Why hypoxia is extremely important relative to trigger point causation
  • Why the psychological model of TMD is scientifically flawed
  • Learreta TMJ Decompression Test, and its usefulness in diagnosing TMJ pathology
  • The pathogens that may infect the orthopedic TMJs, and how to diagnose this malady
  • Relevance of genetic mapping in TMJ/D diagnosis
  • Nutritional importance for TMJ health
  • Objective orofacial pain diagnostic protocols using reproducible digital metrics
  • Temporal Tendinitis; genesis and treatment
  • The brain stem and its relevance to TMJ pathology and diagnosis
  • Advanced TMJ orthopedic diagnostics
  • Nuclear medicine and its role in TMJ/D diagnosis
  • TMJ neurovascularity
  • Advanced TMJ growth and development
  • How and why the bilateral condition of the orthopedic TMJ morphology affects the occlusion
  • Selecting appropriate cases for TENS usage and adaptive orthopedic remodeling
  • Hands-on usage and interpretation of Jaw Tracker, EMG, and thermal imaging
  • Sympathetic inputs and TMJ Pathology
  • Optimized Biopak configuration
  • Predicting the efficacy of treatment after TMJ Pathology Screening (TPS)
  • Fundamentals of neurophysiology and bio-mechanics of the TMJ and its impact on occlusion and facial orthopedics
  • The importance of mastication in dentistry and how to precisely track the kinesiology behind it
Course Cost

CNO Level 4 Onsite Lecture – $5,995

CNO Level 4 Online Webinar – $1,995 *

* The Online webinar purchase cost can be credited towards the attendance of a CNO Level 4 onsite lecture within two (2) years of purchase. *

Course Authors

Dr. Rick Miron

Dr. Terry Alford

Dr. Judson Wall

Dr. Nick Yiannios

Length: 3 days
Credit Hours: 24 AGD-PACE credit hours for CNO5 Live Lecture | differing hours of AGD-PACE C.E. for the CNO5 Online Prerecorded Webinar, depending upon the year (see CNO5 online page for details)

CNO5 Hi-Tech Holistic Dentistry & Facial Esthetics

CNO Level 5 – Lecture &/or Webinar Format

PRF-Lasers-Ozone-Zirconia Implants-Sympathetics In Dental Practice

Holistic Hi-Tech Dentistry & Facial Esthetics

Course Overview

Accelerated healing, improved surgical, implant, and periodontal outcomes, TMJ orthopedic prolotherapy, biostimulation, PIPS and ozone augmented laser-assisted-irrigation in endodontics, the sympathetic nervous systems’ profound and unknown influence upon the practice of everyday dentistry, facial esthetics in dental practice, biomaterials updates, exosomes usage in dentistry and facial esthetics…  This course brings the best that “holistic” hi-tech dentistry has to offer in a three day course.  World caliber CNO5 faculty includes: Dr. Rick Mirion (PRF, Biomaterials & Exosomes), Dr. Terry Alford (Lasers & Anatomy), Dr. Judson Wall (Ozone & Zirconia Implants) and Dr. Nick Yiannios (Sympathetics in dentistry).  This course will change the way you practice, for the better…period!  Over a dozen past attendees have expressed to us that this course is by far the best continuing education course they have ever attended.  This is the course that will get you insurance independence should you implement these outlier protocols and techniques.  Measured Matters!


Level Requirements
  • Completion of Levels 1, 2 and 3 are strongly recommended.
  • Completion of 3 days of lecture, observation, and participation at CNO HQ in Rogers, Arkansas (or alternatively, viewing the online version of CNO4)
  • The attendee should be familiar with reading TMJ MRI and CBCT scans prior to attendance of TMJ Pathology Screening/CNO4 (hence viewing or attending CNO3 is basically a prerequisite)
  • a 200 question written multiple choice online examination/$400 exam fee/80% to pass/must be taken within 12 months of CNO level 4 attendance.
  • online format may be used for pre-study, but attendance in person for the hands-on experience are required prior to taking the CNO4 exam to become listed as CNO4 on the CNO “find a doc” database
What You Will Learn
  • The live CNO5 update is offered every 1-2 years.  The online streamable pre-recorded versions are slightly different:  CNO5 2021 PRF and Facial Esthetics Centric; CNO5 2022 Ozone, Zirconia Implants and Prolotherapy were added; CNO5 2023 Sympathetics and exosomes were added. See CNO5 page for more specifics.
  • Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF), theory and usage behind all variations, including: sPRF, iPRF, cPRF, albPRF, and more
  • Nd:YAG biostimulation and low light therapy
  • Introduction to the Sympathetic Nervous Systems influence upon local anesthesia, dental hypersensitivities, trismus and more
  • The cure for sensitive teeth of occlusal origins
  • PRF in facial esthetics
  • Exosome usage in dentistry, facial esthetics and surgery
  • Erbium laser usage in root canal therapy and surgery
  • Vitamin D and its importance for successful and predictable implant surgery
  • Biomaterials update
  • Med grade ozone usage in everyday dental and surgical practice
  • Advantages of zirconia implants over titanium implants and the research behind it
  • Nurtition for predictable surgical outcomes
Course Cost

CNO Level 5 Onsite Live Lecture – $3,295

CNO Level 5 Online Webinar (each of the 3 variations) – $995 

Course Authors

Dr. Mark Colonna D.D.S.

Dr. Nick Yiannios D.D.S., MCNO

Length: 14 hours
Credit Hours:  14 CE Online

The CNO designates this activity for 14 AGD-PACE credit hours for the online DDSLASE Prerecorded Webinar

To MASTER Laser Dentistry For Everyday Practice

CNO DDS Lase – Lecture &/or Webinar Format

Course Overview

Lasers cutting teeth, bone, and gingiva, efficiently and effectively?  It is a reality, when you know how to use those photons. The dual wavelength Fotona Lightwalker® dual wavelength Nd:YAG/Er:YAG laser has captured market share in dentistry over the past decade, and for good reason.  The erbium and neodynium wavelengths are perfect for dentistry.  Created by everyday wannabe power users of the Lightwalker laser, DDSLase is designed as next level training after the Fotona PHAST introductory training.  Concentrating primarily on everyday intraoral usage, the course will propel students who feel perhaps 10-15% adept at the usage of their Lightwalker to the 50-60% level.  DDSLase is the newest addition to the CNO curriculum.  Lasers in dentistry are no longer niche.  They are essential tools that every modern dentist should be engaged in within their dental practice, as more and more patients are becoming aware of the tremendous benefits that a dentist may bestow upon them who has mastered this technology. Published laser expert and PIPS phenomenon discoverer Dr. Mark Colonna and GP and CNO founder Dr. Nick Yiannios have created this advanced laser dentistry course for practitioners who are interested in elevating their laser proficiency using the Er:YAG and Nd:YAG Lightwalker laser hard and soft tissue wavelengths specifically.  Designed for both generalists and specialists alike, the goal of DDSLase is to get a user off of the Lightwalker laser presets and play the laser technology like a virtuoso would his or her instrument! DDSLase is designed for anyone interested in advancing within the growing field of laser dentistry. DDSLase is a must for any Fotona Lightwalker Laser user, or for any neophyte interested in bringing the erbium and neodynium wavelengths into their practice.


Level Requirements

Attendees should have attended the Fotona PHAST introductory course included with the purchase of the Lightwalker® laser; recommended by not required. Doctors that are seriously considering obtaining a Lightwalker are encouraged to stream the DDSLase course to truly have an understanding of what this technology will do for his/her practice.

What You Will Learn
  • DDSLase was designed by Drs. Colonna and Yiannios to take users off of the presets, and to understand the settings and principles to allow proper photon/tissue interactions that will make students adept laser dentists using the Lightwalker laser.  The pilot course of DDSLase was recorded in February of 2022, and covers the following disciplines in dentistry:

    -laser operative

    -laser endodontics

    -laser periodontics

    -laser prosthodontics

    -laser surgery

    -accelerated healing via photobiomodulation (also known as low level laser therapy)

  • Equipment maintenance including both Nd:YAG and Er:YAG handpieces, mirrors, windows, tips, polishing, refurbishing, fibers, chemicals, proper disinfection and sterilization protocols, etc. (the maintenenance section alone is worth the cost of the online course in reduced tip/mirror/window replacements)

  • Laser and ozone desensitization

  • Additionally, med grade ozone and PRF usage as compliments to laser usage are also discussed, as well as digital occlusal analysis principles and practice.

Course Cost

Online Course $1,295

In person Course $4,895

The CNO is an AGD PACE Recognized Provider. The continuing education activities offered by the CNO have been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry.

AGD PACE is designed to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. The AGD does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by Boards of Dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to AGD at