CNO Level 1 with Dr. Nick Yiannios & Engineer Mr. John Radke: “MEASURING the Occlusion & TMJs; Occlusal Science 501: Get the Bite Right!” Measured Matters!

CNO headquarters

Are you ready to do away with articulating ribbon and the completely dogmatic analog philosophies relating to occlusion?  Would you like to predictably diagnose and eliminate confounding occlusal issues within your daily general or specialty practice?  How about learning how to identify and implement the cure for sensitive teeth of bite/occlusal origins?  What about that […]


CNO Level 3 with Dr. Nick Yiannios, TMJ Surgeon Dr. Ed Zebovitz, Engineer Mr. John Radke, and Medical Radiologist Dr. Sam Paglianite: “Neural Occlusion Screening & 3D imaging”

CNO headquarters

This is the Level 3 course teaching MRI and CBCT interpretation and diagnostic decision-making skills, as well as how to objectively determine if your patient possesses stable and adapted joints (and hence a stable occlusion). CNO3 also concentrates heavily upon autonomic sympathetic inputs and how that subset of the nervous system can wreck havoc with […]


CNO1: “Digitally Measuring The TMJs & The Occlusion In Everyday Dental Practice”

CNO headquarters

Dentists: learn why "Measured Matters" regarding occlusal science.  The TMJs are 2/3 of the occlusion, period.  But why does this matter for all aspects of dentistry, and how can one objectively measure this mysterious orthopedic relationship?  CNO1 exposes all dental professionals who deal with the human bite to the science and practical implementation of this […]

October 8-9, 2021 CNO1 Lecture

CNO headquarters

Learn predictable occlusal science with Dr. Nick Yiannios & BioPak creator and engineer, Mr. John Radke.  CNO1 is a didactic and practical hands-on training course relating specifically to the T-Scan, the Bio-EMG, and Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA).   The topics of Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR) and Measured Anterior Guidance Development (MAGD) occlusal therapies are taught in […]


November 5-6, 2021 CNO2 Lecture

CNO headquarters

How does a dental practitioner objectively vet the TMJs prior to the implementation of occlusal manipulation of any and all kinds including cosmetic, orthodontic, restorative, implant related, etc.?  Join Dr. Nick Yiannios and Engineer/BioPak inventor Mr. John Radke as these two published experts outline Neural Occlusion Diagnostic Screening (NOS), an objective and digital protocol designed […]


DDS Lase 1 – February 25-26, 2022

CNO headquarters

DDSLase1 2022 Restorative & Surgical Hard Tissue Laser Excellence in Dental Practice The CNO is once again offering a unique and practical dental continuing education course for GPs and Specialists alike. Designed for Lightwalker® owners who have already attended the Fotona PHAST introductory Lightwalker laser training, DDSLase1 is quite simply next level Lightwalker® training. Though […]
